Fsales is a crm-tool which is easy to use and offers a large range of possibilities. Variable interfaces guarantee an optimal integration of the existing data. Fsales represents all customer contacts and helps to know more about the customer and his wishes and let you accordingly react. Fsales can be used in all locations of one company and provides all collected informations. The salesmen can work more effectively and professionally with the customer, the sales management will be supported by doing their leadership and the company always has structured and reusable data. Fsales is a completely web-based application and demands on the client workstation only the Internet Explorer.
From the offer to the sale contract, from the purchase form to the price label – in fsales you will find all forms which make work easier, reduce your paperwork and demonstrate more professionality.
The customer / prospect
The customer and prospect data in fsales offer you every time a current overview about your customers. You will find basic information, like adress, phonenumbers and so on, and you will get all information about contact persons, customer interests and all his vehicles.
Searching for vehicles
Find the right used car or search in your new car stock for the desired car of your customer. Because of the direct access to your cdp data on youriseries you will always get current seach results. Here you will find all the details about the vehicle and for example you can create a sales contract for this car without manually filling out any forms. You also find pictures of the cars, you can display the whole history with invoices and much more.
Contact management
With fsales you keep the needed overview about contacts and open offers. After login the system will remind you of due dates. With a click on the reminder you will get the customer display.
The customer base
Active working with your customer base! Your customers can be selected by model, registration date or date of the last contact. Depending on your authorization level you can also export the selected data to excel. It’s very easy to create contacts with reminder for yourself or for your sales team, create serial-letters with or without reminder or create marketing-actions. Every salesman can work purposefully with his customers and so he can offer an optimal support. You can virtually expand your used car stock with all the customer cars because you can do a quick search with many different criteria.
With the controlling tool in fsales you can display all contacts of your staff for a free selectable period. You will see the number of offers, sales contracts and of all other contacts. Directly from this form you can drill down to the customer and view the contact details. With the possibilities in the controlling array you have every time the needed overview about all sales activities. It’s also possible to set and control objectives per salesmen and contact reason.
In the administration level you can make a lot of settings and administrate users, contact reasons and other parameters and tables. You can also find interfaces and parameters for creating automatic contacts and much more.